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Romanian State investments in IT infrastructure began to rise this year after the industry has experienced a big blow with the start of the economic crisis. In the first quarter of the year, investiţile of the State IT rose.

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"Last year's investments in the public area in the IT&C were very low, but the 2014 started well enough, the value of investments in the first quarter were 20% higher compared to the same period of last year. The new Romanian State continure to is the main investor, "said pentruECONOMICA.NET Marius Capraru, CEO of the company, one of the leading SISTEC players on the IT services market.

As recounted by only 5% of revenues come from the public sector SISTEC. "This year we want to increase the share of public sector revenue with 5% as we currently have up to a 10-12 percent," said Marius Capraru.

The folks at SISTEC have proposed an increase in the business with a percentage of 15% to a value of 6.5 million euros in last year had revenues of 3.5 million euros.

"The new hardware component represents 20% of the turnover and we want to be perceived in the market as a provider of services to that 80% of the turnover is focusing on this segment," said CEO SISTEC.

The crisis has hit in Romania and IT sector, but this year things are starting to pick up compared to years past when we witnessed the dramatic declines of the market. "For us in 2013 was the first year in which we finished the financial year with a net profit of just over zero up until then we had profits year after year, but again, the year 2014 looks much more promising at least up to this point," said Marius Capraru.

How do I increase revenue by Optimizing IT companies

"A company can become more productive by Optimizing IT. Everything starts from the remodeling process, from simple automation of manual procedures such as automating billing or automation of data exchange with partners until the introduction of electronic signature on the invoice image replaces the sending of the invoice, and physical economies see themselves primarily in the area of personnel engaged, "said Marius Capraru.

According to him, another benefit of optimization of IT&C of a company is to reduce costs by purchasing utilities equipment with low energy consumption. "Energy consumption can be reduced by outsourcing and internal data storage by date centers, and reducing the cost to a company is extremely high, but for a drastic reduction in costs to customers, more and more companies offer cloud reduces storage costs very much. Basically most of the operations they carry out a company can move into the cloud, and a degree of extreme benefit accessibility is much higher, "said CEO SISTEC.

A benefit we offer our clients is represented and very extensive service network that we have. The fact that we come in a maximum time of one hour anywhere in the country is one factor that distinguishes a lot of our competitors.

The company has a network of 28 service points through which may arise from any customer in a maximum time of one hour, and this is regarded by the people at large as a factor SISTEC differentiator of many competitors.

"I think generally very large companies will invesţii in everything what is cost optimization. Will go very far on acquisition and will no longer lock up significant amounts of money in software licenses purchased for several years, "said Mackay Capraru.